lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009

Just a look

Behind the window,
while i'm waiting
the leafs are shimmering

Crossing the street
people are sick, dying, or looking for a hope
or another form of redemption

I'm in the middle
between the sunrise and the sunset
heading no where
or heading forward

Looking life pass trought
this glass
my soul is dissapearing
she just want to fade away
is fading like the cigarette
that i desperate hold in mi fingers.

I borrow this pen from the waitress
I had the urgency to write
or cut, no knife nearby... so let's write
Will i return this pen?
I need one, and i can´t buy it
I don´t know maybe i will or perhaps not
I have only $6 in my wallet
I never been so poor and i never felt so lost
like today

The sound of the ambulance
the gasp, the screamings
the yearning death is coming

Counting the pills that i took today
thinking of they where too many or too few
I ask my self..what day is today?
my head is singing a lullabay she doesn´t care
it took a long time before she gives an answer
It matters what day is today?
I put my head between my hands and shake it
my hands are so cold lately...
Another burn in my arm
another mark
I used to be a lepard
whit some spots
now i´m panther

My arms, my legs cover with scars
finaly i´m showing what i´m carring dept inside

i just keep on waiting
the hours are so long
and my anxiety goes increcendo

I have to scape from here
i have to run again
cos the memories are hiding here and ther
i have on my back a heavy load

Sudenly i hear the giglings laugh from another table
turn my head following the bottering noise
i put my bulldog face
they shut it up

I´m not in the mood
is just another day
like yesterday, like tomorrow
another day
waiting a come back
that i know will never happen
I never loose my hope

Here comes the person that i was waiting for
It was´t you
is just a frien looking for hope in the wrong place

I put a sad smile
and i hear her pain
I've nothing to say
my lips are moving
but i don´t control what comes out

I leave the table
I leave a lot of things behind
I try to left you behind
but when i come "home"
I wait for your whistle
and your hugs

When i'm going to stop this endless wait?

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

I m going slightly maddddd

Couloured chambers, Fine illusions, or a gate to space

Endless stairways, fine delusions, all under my command

I'd change the sky to paint it red

I'd change the colours of life, and play with time

It's all mine!

It's only everything, all that I wanted to be

Cause it's only everything

And wise, wiser than time, wiser than life, wiser than me, only


This is the end of all reason, the inner mirror reveals

There's more beyond what you're sure of, the fantasy of dreams

It's always there, the only emotion we all seem to keep down

There, while exploring dimensions

There is more, only everything

Dream! As bright or dark, as warm or hard the mind is set on

Dream! You lose control, you loose your freedom to confine it

I don't want to see this, I don't want this pain I never knew before

Feel, we're on the loose

Impressions are enlarged

I don't want to hear this, I don't want to dream to feel this again

Or to get a taste

This could be the end of all reason, the inner mirror reveals

There's more beyond what you're sure of, the fantasy of dreams

It's always there, the only emotion we all seem to keep down

There, still exploring dimensions

There is more, only everything

Become me, come feel alog with all you see

Controll me, control the keys

Do you dare to be

So deep, will you surrender now to your sleep?

Re-live your daydreams and

Come join this inner wonderland

Come let every emotion stand

To be right under your command

To let out fantasies

To change them into mysteries

Where time loses all memories

To luck and bitter agony

Re-live your daydreams awake

So join the magic of your life

Just dare to take the inner drive

To see it's only everything you can be doing tonight

Dream! as cool or hot, as smooth or rough the mind's creating

Dream! Enjoy the ride, enjoy the boundless journey you can make

I can be the maker, I can be the queen of time and twisted games

See you're on the loose

Images enlarged

I will need no reason

I just need the mirror inside me to reveal what's down below

This must be the end of all reason, the inner mirror reveals

There's more beyond what you're sure of, the fantasy of dreams

It's always there, the only emotion we all seem to keep down

There, while exploring dimensions

There is more, only everything

sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009

El disparador

Las hortensias mustias
en un balcon ya ajeno
Mi cuerpo seco de llorar tantas lagrimas
el cotideano devenir de pensamientos amorfos
Este querer rescatarme
el querer soltarme
Aullando en la oscuridad
lamiendo las heridas
con solo dos testigos
ambos incapaces de hablarme
La soledad autoimpuesta
Esa mano que viene de donde menos la esperas
Los recuerdos que se tornan borrosos
¿Las cosas eran realmente asi?
O mi mente enferma creo otra realidad
Querer acercarme
estrechar un peluche como si fuera el tesoro mas hermoso
El sol que me pega en la cara
el dolor que me pega en el alma
Los ataques de angustia
por una planta que ya ni siquiera era mia
el querer poseerlo todo
el mirar desde mi ombligo
El exceso de expectativas
el futuro que siempre fue incierto
Lenta se desmadeja mi vida
ojala que los nudos que desata Laquesis
fueran mis problemas
por que no pedirle a Clotos que corte el hilo?
Esas invitaciones que con desden rechazo
No son quien espero, no son quien quiero.
Hace mucho tiempo supe tener hortensias
me recuerdan a mi abuela
saberlas muertas una y otra vez
es el disparador
Un duelo no cerrado
las cicatrices que al igual que las de mis brazos
se vuelven a abrir
Una guitarra en una casa de musica
melodias que se agolpan en mi cabeza
son las risas que añoro
Los abrazos ciberneticos
pauperrimos de ambos lados
rotos, tristes y despedazados
Migajas de seres humanos
que vamos buscando aquello que sabemos imposible
Cual Icaro pretendemos hacernos vuelo
y mas pronto caemos de bruces al suelo
(odio las rimas cacofonicas)
El sueño que no me visita
La ansiedad transformada en sombras
Mirar el reloj y pensar que pasen rapido las horas
acostarse y quedarse quieto esperando
esperando la nada
ese vacio que no se como llenar
El despreciarme, el quererme a traves de otros
Hay momentos en donde quiero tirar todo
romper todo, quemar todo
pero me doy cuenta que ya no queda nada
ya no hay nada
Solo un silencio,
solo unas flores secas en un balcon ajeno.